This is a project in its early stages, but the plan is to create a woodland garden within a large country garden.
The area is on the perimeter of the garden, and consists of some mature trees, mainly oaks, but very little understorey planting other than a large amount of cow parsley in the spring. The area was also full of nettles, docks and goosegrass which take over as the year progresses.
The client wanted a woodland walk, so I have created meandering paths to take you through the area. The garden is predominantly a spring garden and so the planting consists of huge swathes of bluebells, wild garlic, wood anemone, snowdrops and narcissi. In the more open meadow areas cowslips, primroses and fritillaries have been planted which will colonise in the long grass. Over 45,000 bulbs have been planted in the first year, and a similar number will follow in the autumn. This is a project that will take some years to mature, but even in the first spring there was an encouraging amount that emerged and flowered, so fingers crossed for the future.
11th July 2016